
We introduce the founding deed of the Ambassadors Club

Hry pro zdravotně postižené děti mají finanční potíže. Pomoci jim mohou ambasadoři.
A whole range of disabled children and young people do not have many opportunities for sport. One of them is the European Youth Games for the Disabled Emil Open. But these are in financial trouble because of rising prices and the growing interest of children. In order to continue with all those interested in sports, the Emil Open representatives Pavel Zbožínek and Radek Procházka, together with Josef Středula, founded the Emil Open Ambassadors Club to support the games. Středula was the initiator and first member of the club and offered his help to the organisers. Another person who accepted the challenge is Václav Krása, the chairman of the National Council of Persons with Disabilities of the Czech Republic. Other personalities will follow.

We have already introduced the idea of helping, and our efforts continue. The founding deed of the Club was completed in less than a week. „I am happy that we managed to write the founding deed of the Emil Open Ambassadors Club in such a short time and today we can present a platform on which we are creating an informal group of supporters of sport and physical activities for children and youth with disabilities,“ said Pavel Zbožínek, President of Emil Open.

A physical person can become a member, and membership involves a moral obligation to contribute to the fulfilment of the Club's purposes. „In the framework of support, it is possible for a member to be personally involved by providing his or her expertise or, for example, by mediating a partnership,“ explains Radek Procházka, Paralympian and co-founder of the Club.

Josef Středula became the first member, and others are joining to support the sport of children with disabilities. "For Emil I want to get new partners who will not only help to maintain the current form of the Emil Open and keep it growing, but who will also support the sport of disabled people as such," says Josef Středula, adding: "In some of the reactions to this help of mine, I hear that sport is not a priority now. In these difficult times, I understand and understand that viewpoint, but believe me, it is for these kids for a number of reasons!" concludes Středula.

But the search for ambassadors doesn't end there, more people will be invited to get involved. "We will be sending out the call for involvement to various personalities from the sports, cultural, private sector but also public and political life. I am therefore glad that Josef Středula has already contacted, for example, Václava Krása, who has agreed to become a member." adds Zbožínek.

An ambassador of the Club can also help, for example, by raising the profile of the topic of sports for the disabled, financially or materially. Detailed information is on the website www.emilopen.cz/klub-ambasadoru.

Emil Open

Emil Open

Emilova Sportovní, z.s.

Malinovského náměstí 603/4
602 00 Brno, Česká Republika

IČ: 067 07 785

Administered by the Regional Court in Brno, 23497 L

Organising Committee
Pavel Zbožínek

Organising Committee President

zbozinek@emilopen.cz+420 602 720 518
Mgr. Vojtěch Kocůrek

Organising Committee Vice President

kocurek@emilopen.cz+420 605 940 891
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