Zdeněk Sedlák

Zdeněk Sedlák

owner of the company EPRIN spol. s.r.o.

If anyone can be called Emil, it's Zdeněk Sedlák. In seven years. of cooperation and partnership, he and his staff have not missed a single edition of the Emil Open. He has connected us to a number of his corporate partners and when he needed to, he always just got the job done! For example, he organized his colleagues and partners who helped us ride the first covid wave shopping for the disabled, every year the Epriños help us as volunteers at our Advent booth, or contributing regularly to our stories.

Zdenek, we're so glad you heard our call and came with an offer of further help. Thank you and we look forward to it!


Zdeněk SedlákZdeněk Sedlák

Emil Open

Emil Open

Emilova Sportovní, z.s.

Malinovského náměstí 603/4
602 00 Brno, Česká Republika

IČ: 067 07 785

Administered by the Regional Court in Brno, 23497 L

Organising Committee
Pavel Zbožínek

Organising Committee President

zbozinek@emilopen.cz+420 602 720 518
Mgr. Vojtěch Kocůrek

Organising Committee Vice President

kocurek@emilopen.cz+420 605 940 891
© Emil Open 2024
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Created by MODERI s.r.o.